This last June I had the most awesome oppurtunity to go to Havasupai with a bunch of my buddies. Havasupai is an Indian Reservation about 2 hours north east from Kingman AZ.

We got to Havasu Hill top (the rim where your hike starts) at about midnight so we camped out on the side of the road so we could get some rest before our 12 mile hike down the canyon the next morning.
Me and my wonderful car (that almost broke down upon entering arizona, it's a trooper!) camping out on the side of the road.
From the rim its about 2 miles of steep switch backs, then from there its just a steady downward slope til you reach the visit. Want to guess how exciting I was to pack back up those switch backs? Not very.

Did I mention we were each packing 30-40 pound back packs? Oh that was fun!
When you're hiking 12 miles in high 90 degree weather, you start to wonder if you are crazy and if it was really worth it...
Then you turn a corner and you see this
DEFINATELY WORTH IT! This was the most beautiful place I have ever been! It's amazing, once you reach the falls you feel like you are in the amazon or something, til you look up and see the red canyon walls and the cactus haha.

That's my little head in the water, totally jumped out from behind that fall!
It's like a jungle!

To get to some of the other falls we had to climb down an almost straight up and down wall that had chains to help lead your way down.
This trip was INCREDIBLE! I would do it 50 more times, its so amazing. Ps. I don't have a picture of it but I jumped off a 65 ft. cliff! You'd better believe it!

We traveled home on a Sunday, so we thought it would be fitting to have a Sacrament meeting right here at beautiful Bryce canyon.
What a fun trip. I always wanted to go there. Your pics are amazing. Sounds like you are having tons of fun. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
maybe we're related :)
I saw your comments on Kelly's blog. I'm the father of the Tillotson clan. Our family originally came from England in the late 1800's and settled in Connecticut. My granfather then moved to California after WW1. That's where my parents are from and where my wife and I raised our family.
We are now spread out all over the country. My wife and I, (Tina)live in Massachusetts. Our oldest son Eric still lives in CA, their blog is Our daughter lives in Virginia, And of course you've sort of met our youngest son Tom and his wife Kelly, who also live in Mass.
It looks like your having a very fun summer. Enjoy!
Brent Tillotson
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